Ul. Maršala Tita 188,
51 410 Opatija, Croatia
Thalassoterapia Opatija
Thalassotherapia Opatija has excellent results due to teamwork and top-quality-educated professional staff.
We recognized the importance of investing in systematic education and the professional competence of our employees, whose work, diligence and desire for excellence brought Thalassotherapia to a highly-skilled, organizational and scientific-teaching level, recognized both domestically and internationally.
On its sixty-fifth birthday, Thalassotherapia Opatija can proudly show what it has and what it knows. In addition to top-quality premises and equipment, its professional and business sovereignty is firmly based on a capable team led by the CEO, professor Viktor Peršić, PhD, MD; he readily welcomes the challenges of the future, pushes the boundaries and makes a difference.
Internal medicine specialist, subspecialty in cardiology
Assistant professor Vesna Pehar Pejčinović,PhD, MD
Internal medicine specialist, subspecialty in cardiology
Assistant professor Dijana Travica Samsa, PhD, MD
Internal medicine specialist, subspecialty in cardiology
Vedran Buršić, MD
Internal medicine specialist, subspecialty in cardiology
Ivan Rosović, MD
Adrian Trobonjača, MD
Danijel Premuš, MD
specijalist kardiologije
Marin Soldatić, dr. med.,
specijalist kardiologije
Lorena Kalčina Uravić, dr. med.,
Internal medicine specialist, subspecialty in cardiology
Nada Smokvina-Ćuruvija, MD
Specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation, subspecialist in rheumatology
Professor Tatjana Kehler, PhD, MD
Specialist in laboratory immunology, specialist in internal medicine, subspecialist in rheumatology
prof. dr. sc. Gordana Laškarin, dr. med.
Specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation
Vedrana Mužić Radović, PhD, MD
Specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation
Sandra Rusac Kukić, MD
Specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation
Barbara Ravlić Marušić, MD
Specialist in clinical radiology, subspecialist in neuroradiology
Antonija Ružić Baršić, PhD, MD
Clinical radiology specialist
Nikola Dukarić, MD
specijalist kliničke radiologije
Denis Zvonarić, dr. med.
Nikolina Putniković Kosovac, MD
Specialist in dermatology and venereology
Tea Rosović, MD
specijalist dermatologije i venerologije
Jasminka Smiljanić, dr. med.
Specialist in internal medicine, subspecialist in endocrinology and diabetology
Assistant professor Tamara Turk Wensveen, PhD, MD
Lovro Bebić, MD
Dora Gašparini, MD
Mila Stazić, dr. med.
Karla Vurić, dr. med.